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How much does a "cleaning" cost?

There are several different dental procedures that maybe classified as "cleanings" but it is difficult to accurately decide what type of treatment a person needs without first completing a comprehensive exam. After we are familiar with your teeth and the surrounding bone and gum tissue, we can accurately help diagnose what type of treatment is indicated.

Do you see children and at what age?

Yes, we treat children of all ages. If however we feel that a child would be better served by a pediatric office, we are happy to help find a dentist in the area that can help.

Do you do braces? Invisalign.

Yes, we have several dentist that treat patients with orthodontic concerns and we also offer invisalign.

Can I make payment plans?

For certain situations (braces, complicated prosthetic cases, implants) we do offer short term payment plans; however for most procedures we ask that insurance verification or payment at the time of service.